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- on startMovie
- global hiRes, winver, modal, myDrive, j2736d2937m2382, gVoid
- set textfile to "r53s.txt"
- set myDrive to CheckDrive(textfile)
- set j2736d2937m2382 to "Y7729J3338J3942"
- loadMasterApp()
- set j2736d2937m2382 to gVoid
- set modal to 0
- set winversion to 95
- set MonitorRect to getAt(the deskTopRectList, 1)
- set ScreenWidth to getAt(MonitorRect, 3)
- if ScreenWidth > 640 then
- set hiRes to 1
- else
- set hiRes to 0
- end if
- if hiRes = 0 then
- go("menus")
- else
- go("menub")
- end if
- end
- on CheckDrive weirdfil
- repeat with i = 67 to 90
- set drive to numToChar(i)
- set myThisPath to string(drive & ":\" & weirdfil)
- set myFile to FileIO(mnew, "read", myThisPath)
- if objectp(myFile) then
- myFile(mdispose)
- return drive & ":"
- exit
- end if
- end repeat
- alert(" CheckDrive error")
- end
- on doca
- global modal, winver, myDrive
- nicekillApp("notepad", "notepad")
- if modal = 0 then
- if winver = "95" then
- open(myDrive & "\az\doca95.exe")
- repeat while not bringToFront()
- nothing()
- end repeat
- else
- open(myDrive & "\az\doca31.exe")
- end if
- end if
- end
- on dokudo
- global modal, winver, myDrive
- nicekillApp("notepad", "notepad")
- alert("After installing the KUDO Catalog, you should finish the installation and re-start your computer.")
- open(myDrive & "\startup")
- quit()
- end
- on doproduct
- global winver, myDrive, modal
- nicekillApp("notepad", "notepad")
- open(myDrive & "Az\KIS_Desc.txt", "notepad.exe")
- end
- on doaztech
- global winver, myDrive, modal
- nicekillApp("notepad", "notepad")
- if modal = 0 then
- open(myDrive & "Az\corpinfo.txt", "notepad.exe")
- end if
- end
- on doexit
- global modal
- nicekillApp("notepad", "notepad")
- if modal = 0 then
- quit()
- end if
- end
- on buttonClicked
- set spriteNum to the clickOn
- set upNum to the memberNum of sprite spriteNum
- set upName to the name of member upNum
- set downName to upName & "D"
- set downNum to the number of member downName
- set the memberNum of sprite spriteNum to downNum
- updateStage()
- repeat while the mouseDown
- if rollOver(spriteNum) then
- set the memberNum of sprite spriteNum to downNum
- else
- set the memberNum of sprite spriteNum to upNum
- end if
- updateStage()
- end repeat
- if the memberNum of sprite spriteNum = downNum then
- puppetSound("SwitchP2")
- updateStage()
- return 1
- end if
- return 0
- end
- on bringToFront
- global gMasterAppObject
- if not loadMasterApp() then
- alert("No object")
- return 0
- end if
- set tl to gMasterAppObject(mGetTaskList)
- if tl = EMPTY then
- return 0
- end if
- pushDelim(",")
- set tllines to the number of lines in tl
- set tTaskName to EMPTY
- set taskName to EMPTY
- repeat with i = 1 to tllines
- set theTaskLine to line i of tl
- set tTaskName to item 1 of theTaskLine
- if tTaskName contains "install" then
- set taskName to tTaskName
- set theTask to integer(item 2 of theTaskLine)
- exit repeat
- end if
- end repeat
- if taskName = EMPTY then
- return 0
- end if
- set wl to gMasterAppObject(mGetTaskWindowList, theTask)
- if wl = "EMTPY" then
- popDelim()
- return 0
- end if
- set wllines to the number of lines in wl
- set targetWindows to 0
- repeat with j = 1 to wllines
- set theWindowLine to line j of wl
- set wlItems to the number of items in theWindowLine
- if item 1 of theWindowLine = EMPTY then
- next repeat
- end if
- if item wlItems of theWindowLine <> EMPTY then
- set targetWindows to targetWindows + 1
- set theWindow to integer(item wlItems - 3 of theWindowLine)
- gMasterAppObject(mWindowToFront, theWindow)
- exit repeat
- end if
- end repeat
- return 1
- end